San Diego Mensa Lo-Sec address for July 2019

The new San Diego Mensa board has been seated. Our previous Lo-Sec/president, Alton Hitchcock Jr., has now become the RVC for Region 9, replacing Michael Wong. I’m excited to serve as your new Lo-Sec. 

I’d like to take a moment and thank Alton Hitchcock, Jr. for his years of service to the San Diego Mensa board. He’s a stand up guy. It has been a pleasure serving with him. I’m thankful for his friendship, and his leadership will be missed. I’m sorry to see him leave but I wish him well in his future endeavors. 

Moving forward…

During the upcoming year, I’ll be busy implementing a few ideas for recruiting new members to our fold. I believe the future of San Diego Mensa is directly tied to growing our membership base. Alton once made the comment that membership, in any organization, is like a leaky bucket. The leak is constant. If the bucket isn’t filled more quickly than the leak, the bucket will eventually run dry.

One idea for building up our membership, is the addition of more activities on our monthly calendar in conjunction with finding new ways to raise monies to fund our scholarship program. Who says we can’t have fun and raise funds at the same time? I want to encourage everyone to email the board with suggestions of activities you’d like to have included. Your input is important.

I’d like to close by saying, ‘Thank you!’ to each member of San Diego Mensa. Thank you for becoming a part of my extended family… and thank you for your friendship. 

-Patrick Yepes







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