The 2019 San Diego uRGe is in the bag!
We had a highly successful Regional Gathering this year! Our theme for the event was “Playing With A Full Deck?” Cards were printed with a picture of our beloved Richard Lederer on the reverse, dressed as a joker. It was a fitting tribute for such a wonderful Mensan!
After the 2019 scholarship recipients were awarded at the Regional Gathering by the San Diego Scholarship Chair Jennifer Morris, it was formally announced that Richard Lederer would have a scholarship named in his honor. We are very grateful to Richard Lederer for his many years of financial support to our local scholarship program. Thank you, Richard!
The Regional Gathering was made possible by volunteers. Without them, the event would not have gone as smoothly. I hate to name each specifically, mainly because I don’t want to miss anyone, but know that I am truly grateful to each of you and you have my utmost appreciation.
Here are a few comments about the RG…
“It was the best RG I’ve attended. The programs were great and more numerous than usual. The committee did a great job, especially considering that things got off to a slow start.”
-N H
“The level of support and excitement surrounding the scholarship fund was incredible! I am grateful to those that shared ideas for boosting the fund with new events and events they saw success with in other areas of the country. I am looking forward to bringing them to life in our San Diego group. The programs, hospitality, and evening events were top notch, and I felt we had a little something for everyone! I am so excited about our new space and hope we can keep it for the next few years.”
-J M
“The speaker programs at the RG ranged from juggling lessons to life in the red-light district of Tijuana. We had presentations on deep learning in colorizing and restoring old photographs, writing a television series, the Crusaders, Isaac Asimov, animal adaptation through sexual selection, Las Vegas, the human-animal bond, a Mai Tai tournament, the U.S.S. Midway, life strategies, the Daedalus aircraft, and many, many more topics of interest to the curious minds of Mensans. On Sunday, an Improv group not only entertained us, but also offered an instructional workshop in the art.”
-S v E
Again, thank you and I hope to see you again next year!
-Patrick Yepes