This year’s American Mensa AG is was held in Hollywood, Florida at the beautiful Diplomat Beach Resort. With nearly a thousand Mensans worldwide registered to attend this event by March, it was certainly shaping up to be a large party!
Within the Mensa organization is a FaceBook group called American Mensa FireHouse (1,575 members strong). Members of the FireHouse are known affectionately as “FireHosers”. Mensans from all over the world are welcome to join the FireHouse. Here are a few of the pics from this year’s annual gathering featuring FireHouse members.
The FireHouse!
Angie and Kash
Bethany and Erin
Diann and Kash
Erin and Bjorn
The Boob Court
In memory of Marc Lederman
Johnnelle and Erin
Kash and LaRae (Mensa Chair… go LaRea!)
Lily and Erin
Jam session (Chad on the guitar and Seongtaek at the piano)
Seongtaek playing
Laura and Taz
Therese Erin and 杨冰阳 (Aya)
杨冰阳 (Aya) ready for a swim!
Laura and Kash
Group pic!
Johnnelle and Bethany
Jason with Penn and Teller (Keynote Speakers)
Jennifer with Penn and Teller
Jimmy, Taz, and Jason
Penn and Teller
Touchy subject…
Gala dinner
Erin and Ellen
Erin and Ellen
Erin and Harriet
Erin and Kelli
Erin, Michael, and Johnelle
Kash and Kurt
Laura, 杨冰阳 (Aya), and Bjorn
The Airing of Grievances 2017
Andre hard at work
FireHosers 2017
Laura and Rob
Laura and Tony
Thierrion and Bethany
Seongtaek and Bethany
Timmy and Stacey (Who says you can’t pick your friend’s nose???)