Emotional quotient (EQ), also known as emotional intelligence, is the ability of an individual to recognize the feelings and emotions of others. This is important in that it allows people to interact with others more effectively as situations and environments change.
IQ, is pretty much self-explanatory. So, the question is… which is more important? EQ or IQ?
We can all appreciate the idea behind the concept of EQ. Being able to relate to others is paramount to having good working and inter-personal relationships. But, is that more valuable than IQ? I think the notion of EQ has some merit. I also think EQ can be feigned. All it takes is a little disingenuousness.
Am I callous for thinking this? Maybe, but EQ can be learned and applied, given the needs of an individual seeking to relate to others. IQ, on the other hand, is not something one can easily fake. So why is EQ pushed as being more important than IQ? Maybe because EQ is so hard to calculate and IQ is somewhat definitive? My personal belief is that everyone wants to feel special. EQ being so easily contrived, gives everyone the potential to be a ‘winner’. EQ is sort of like a distant runner up to IQ. EQ is, in essence, the equivalence of a participation trophy.