Extroverted or Introverted Preference


Extraverted and Introverted are opposite preferences. A person’s natural tendency toward one will be stronger than the other.

Extraverted (E)

Extraversion is a preference to focus on the world outside the self. Extraverts enjoy social interactions and tend to be enthusiastic, verbal, assertive, and animated. They enjoy large social gatherings, such as parties and any kind of group activity. Extraverts are likely to enjoy time spent with people and find themselves energized by social interaction.

Extravert Characteristics

  • Gregarious
  • Assertive
  • Talkative
  • Social/outgoing
  • Likes groups, parties, etc.
  • Energized by interaction
  • Expressive & enthusiastic
  • Volunteers personal information
  • Distractable
  • Has many friends
  • Easy to approach

Extraverted Personality Types

Introverted (I)

Introversion is a preference to focus on the world inside the self. Introverts tend to be quiet, peaceful and deliberate and are not attracted to social interactions. They prefer activities they can do alone or with one other close friend, activities such as reading, writing, thinking, and inventing. Introverts find social gatherings draining.

Introvert Characteristics

  • Energized by time alone
  • Private
  • Keeps to self
  • Quiet
  • Deliberate
  • Internally aware
  • Fewer friends
  • Prefer smaller groups
  • Independent
  • Not socially inclined
  • Enjoys solitude
  • Thinks before speaking

Introverted Personality Types

2 Replies to “Extroverted or Introverted Preference”

  1. A few years ago, I took the Myers-Briggs personality profile assessment. At that time, my results came back as an INTJ… the ‘J’ topped out at 100%. At our recent RG in Palm Springs (May 2017), the assessment results were ISTJ, with the ‘S’ narrowly surpassing the ‘N’. The questions were limited to 5 each for E/I, S/N, T/F, and P/J. With such a limited base in which to draw a results. I the margin of error, by default, must be much greater than the previous in-depth Myers-Briggs profile. Given that each question had a weight of 20% in the recent profile, one answer could be the pivotable difference in classifications. That would certainly explain the change from being classified as an INTJ to an ISTJ. My assessed score was ‘I’ 80%, ‘S’ 60%, ‘T’ 100%, and ‘J’ 80%.

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